Monday, May 17, 2010

Herbalife Malaysia | 马上减重?办法问我! | Lose Weight Now?Ask Me How!

我是Chloe,马来西亚康宝莱的健康管理教练.我是两个孩子的妈妈!我产后有两大难以解决的健康问题就是轻微子宫下坠及尿失禁!我只是单纯改变我的早餐竟解决我的健康问题!不可思议的是同时在两个月半成功减掉8公斤的脂肪解决我由小到大肥胖的问题!现在总共成功减掉14公斤并全身雕塑40寸!精神体力也比之前更棒!感谢康宝莱的细胞营养改善我健康的同时并改变我的人生!请联络: +6014-6006881

I am Herbalife Personal Wellness Coach Malaysia! I'm mother of two, having uterine prolapse and urinary incontinence problem. By using Healthy Breakfast ,all my health issues are tremendously improved and I have lost 8kg in first 2 1/2 months and total lost 14kg, 40 inches!!! Thank you Cellular Nutrition for changing my life!!! Call/SMS:+6014-6006881

Personal Information 您的个人资料

Name 姓名

Age 年龄

Gender 性别 Female 女性 Male 男性

Address 地址

City 城市

State 区域

Email 电邮

Contact No 联络号码

Language 语言

Height 身高

Weight 体重

Additional Information 附加资料

How did you hear about me?

Friends 朋友

Herbalife Distributor 康宝莱直销商

Others 其它

Are you interested in losing / gaining weight and improving your health?

How much weight would you like to lose / gain?
请问您想减 / 增几公斤?

What other methods have you tried before?

Why didn't it work for you?
请问您为什么没有减肥 / 增重成功?

Herbalife Malaysia: Welcome to Our Xmas Party

Date: 23 Dec ~ 1900 - 2200

Place: Pearl International Hotel

Theme: Red & White
- Buffet dinner
- Dance
- Games
- Gift exchange
- Best dress awards
- Lucky draw

* Adult RM75 / Children 5-12yrs RM53
*Call/SMS:+6014-6006881 Chloe Liew for registration

Herbalife Malaysia: Why Water is Important For Life?

We often hear about the dearth of water and how water is all important. Let's see actually why water is so important and what makes it so. To start with our planet, 70% of earth's surface is water; 75% of human body; and 90% of human blood is water too. Of all the water that's there on earth, 97% is in seas and oceans and 2% is icecaps. Of the remaining 1% fresh water, only a small percentage is accessible. And from what's accessible, 98% water is used for agriculture and industrial use. Maybe now water sounds important to us.

Water's necessity does not end with humans. In fact, water is quintessential part of most living organisms. Even the plants need water. There is more animal and plant life found in water than on land and in air collectively.

For humans water is so important because it's used in so many activities. We need to drink water to survive and to stay healthy. We need water for bathing, cleaning and washing. We need water for cooking. Water is in the form of milk, fruits, meats, vegetables, and even in stones.

Inside our body, water helps regulate human body's temperature. Water is nature's air conditioner inside our body; when it's hot, water keeps the body cool through perspiration, and when it's cold, water keeps the body warm through insulation. Through balancing the electrolytes, water controls and regulates the blood pressure. Water forms a big and important portion of human saliva, sweat and tears, and all these are important for proper body functions. It keeps the moisture intact around mouth and eyes.

Our joints move painlessly only because the water works as a lubricant on them. Water, through its presence in and around the organs, cushions them from any outside jolt. It also works as an excreting agent in our body by flushing human kidneys.

Herbalife Malaysia: The Hidden Calories in Some Beverage

You need to replenish and stay hydrated during and after a workout but make sure you are not drinking back the calories you just burned off.

Chloe Liew


Herbalife Malaysia | 麦当劳 = 含致癌物砒霜 = 慢性中毒


Chloe Liew

Herbalife Malaysia - Heart Health Training by Dr Louis Ignarro

Dr Louis Ignarro – Nobel Laureate in Medicine

Louis Ignarro, Ph.D
Nutrition and Scientific Advisory Boards.

Louis Ignarro, Ph.D., is a member of Herbalife’s Nutrition and Scientific Advisory Boards (NAB, SAB). The NAB is made up of leading experts around the world in the fields of nutrition and health who educate and train Herbalife independent distributors on the principles of nutrition, physical activity and healthy lifestyle.The SAB advises the company on advancements in the field of nutrition science.

Ignarro has made exceptional contributions to science. His efforts were recognized with the Nobel* Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1998 for his discovery of nitric oxide and its range of benefit to the human body. His work has since led to additional research by scientists around the globe on nitric oxide. After working with Herbalife to develop Niteworks™ a dietary supplement designed to boost the body’s own production of nitric oxide, Ignarro became a member of the Company’s Scientific Advisory Board.

Ignarro is currently a distinguished professor of pharmacology at the UCLA School of Medicine’s Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology in Los Angeles, which he joined in 1985. Before relocating to California, he was a professor of pharmacology at Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, for 12 years. Previously, Ignarro was a staff scientist, research department, for the pharmaceutical division of CIBA-GEIGY Corporation in New York.

Ignarro has published numerous articles on his research. In addition to the Nobel* Prize, he also received the Basic Research Prize of the American Heart Association in 1998, in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the advancement of cardiovascular science. That same year, he was inducted into the National Academy of Sciences and the following year, into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

He is the founder of the Nitric Oxide Society, and founder and editor-in-chief of “Nitric Oxide Biologyand Chemistry.” Ignarro holds a B.S. in pharmacology, Columbia University, 1962, and a Ph.D. in pharmacology, University of Minnesota, 1966. He also received a postdoctoral fellowship in chemical pharmacology from National Institutes of Health in 1968.

*The Nobel Foundation has no affiliation with Herbalife and does not review, approve or endorse Herbalife® products.

Date : Friday, 10th December 2010
Event : Heart Health Training – 8.00pm to 9.30pm
Ticket Price : RM80.00
Language : English (Translation will be provided in Mandarin and B.Malaysia)
Qualification : Open to all Herbalife distributors.
Venue : Pyramid 1, Level 10 Convention Hall,
Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa,
Lagoon, Bandar Sunway,
46150 Petaling Jaya.

For ticket reservation, please Call / SMS +6014-6006881

马来西亚康宝莱(Herbalife Malaysia) - 健康减肥知识之控制饮食




马来西亚康宝莱(Herbalife Malaysia) - 水分和减重

听起来可能很难以置信,但开水很可能是减重和保持体重的最重要催化剂虽然我们大部分都不觉得喝水有什么了不起,但开水可能是长久减重的唯一真正"神奇灵 "开水可以抑制食欲,并有助于身体代谢掉储存的脂肪。研究显示, 水分摄取减少将导致脂肪堆积增加.反之, 增加水分摄取有助于减少脂肪的堆积。


原因如下,肾脏如果水分不足便无法正常发挥功能,当肾脏无法胜任其工作时,某些工作便会落到肝脏去负荷.肝脏主要功能之一是将储存的脂肪代谢为可供身体使 用的体力。但如果肝脏必须负荷某些原属于肾脏的工作, 肝脏就无法发挥完全功能。其结果,肝脏代谢的脂肪便较少,储存于身体的脂肪便较多因此减重的效果便终 止了。


大量喝水是治疗闭尿的最好方法,当身体的水分不够时,我们的身体将会理解为对生存的威胁。因此会开始将身体任何一滴水都保留在体内。水分被储存在细胞外空 (细胞外面)。此一作用显示于外的就是浮肿的双手, 双脚, 和双腿。利尿剂经常充其量只能暂时解决问题,因为利尿除了将储存的水分逼出体外,同时也逼出了 某些必要营养素。这时身体再度感受到威胁, 便开始尽快补充那些被逼出的水分因此闭尿的浮肿现象很快又恢复了。解决闭尿问题的最好方法,就是针对你的身体补 充大量的水分。虽有如此, 储存在体内的水分才会被释放出来。如果你不断出现闭尿问题,盐分过多可能是祸首,你的身体只能耐受某种浓度的钠,你吃的盐越多, 你的系统便会留住越多的水分来稀释它,要排除多余的盐分很简单-----多喝开水就好了。当水分流经肾脏时, 便会带出多余的钠。

体重过重的人比瘦的人需要更多的水,体型较大的新陈代谢负荷也比较大由于我们知道,水是脂肪代谢的关键。因此, 体重过重的人需要较多的水.水分可以提供肌肉收缩能力并防止脱水, 因此有助于保持适当的肌肉紧张度水分还有助于防止减重后通常出现的皮肤松弛。收缩的细胞浮悬在水分当中,作用将水分不断抽向皮肤, 使的皮肤清洁,健康,和富弹性。水分亦有助于排除体内废物。在减重的过程中,身体会产生更多需要排除的废物---所有新陈代谢过的脂肪都必须排除,而充足 的水分有助于排出体内的废物。

喝足够量的水不仅有益健康,而且能使皮肤获得充足的水分,帮助有效清理胃肠道,促进体内有毒物质的排出。同时,还降低了血液的浓度,加快了血液循环,使皮 肤更细腻有光泽。但是,喝水可不是拿杯子到饮水机面前接一接这么简单的哦,有效的喝水才能让身体真正吸收到充足的水分。 真正有效的喝水方法,一次要将一整杯水(200250毫升)都喝完,如果只随便喝一两口来止渴,对身体根本无济于事。当然,所谓一的次喝完,并不是要 你一口气喝完,只有一小口、一小口缓慢地喝才能令身体真正有效地吸收使用。記住一個重點,喝水應要「少量多次」慢慢喝,而且別等到覺得口渴了再喝水。


现代人有许多便秘的问题,除开饮食中缺少纤维素的摄入,其中还有一个很重要的原因就是缺水!水分有助于缓解便秘现象, 当身体的水分不够时, 便会从体内其它器官吸取水分结肠便是身体主要吸收水分来源。结果呢?便秘便发生了。当一个人喝下足够的水时,正常的肠功能便恢复了。

此外,喝水的时间很重要,这点对減重的人更是重要。有很多人其实身体是水腫的,並非真正的胖,只要把滯留在身体的多余水分排掉,至少可以少个一兩公斤。我 建议想減重的人应留意一下自己喝水的时间,尽量不要在晚餐后喝水,尤其是睡觉前更不要喝水,若是真的口渴,喝一小口润润口即可。我之前建议大家,吃完晚餐 以后不要再吃东西了,这里还要提醒大家,晚餐之后也不要喝太多的液体,因为人体的消化系统及泌尿系统为我们工作了一整天了,他们也需要休息,若此时还给身 体大量的水,身体的泌尿系统其实不太想努力工作,也就沒办法有效的把水分从身体排出。大家应该有经验,睡前喝太多水,第二天起床眼皮是腫的。

目前为止,我们已经发现一些有关水及减重的重大事实。如果没有足够的水分, 身体便无法正常运作,也无法有效代谢储存的脂肪,留在体内的水分变成了多余的体重。如果要去除这些多余的水分,你必须喝更多的。多喝水对于减重是绝对必要的,但是喝多少水才足够呢?


当身体获得了维持最佳运作所需的水分,体内的液体便处于完美的均衡状态,当出现此状况时,你的身体便达到了"突破点"。这代表什么意思呢? 内分泌腺机能获得改善,闭尿系统因为储存水分排除而缓和,由于肝脏可以充分用来代谢储存脂肪,更多的脂肪被用作燃料,自然的口渴感恢复了。饥饿感几乎一夜 之间便消失。如果你喝的开水又不够了, 你体内的液体再度失衡了, 你将再度受到闭尿之苦, 莫名其妙的增加体重, 并失去口渴感, 要补救这种状况, 你必须在大量 的喝开水, 使你的身体再度达到"突破点".

现实生活中有很多人不喜欢喝水,甚至于有些人是不渴不喝,或者用饮料来代替水都是不科学的。我们的人体是由61%的水分构成的。其实当人体有渴的感觉时, 人已经已经处于轻度缺水状态,所以及时主动的补充水分是非常重要的。特别是在减肥期间水就更为重要,综上所述它可以很好的帮助代谢脂肪和毒素等等好处,更 让你轻松度过减肥期
